Radio Fun This Morning

This morning on ‘The Vultures’ Nest‘ on Sydney’s 2SER FM my guests were the multi-talented Kate Iselin and comedians Christina Van Look and  Te Rina Taite.

Our mission? To lightheartedly discuss some of the news of the week, to wit, these three stories:

The Thai Cave Boys

We started by discussing the Thai boys and their soccer coach being rescued this week. Some of the questions I put to my guests:

  • Was your heart warmed by this story?
  • Could this have been a nice break for the parents?
  • Did Soccer help them get coverage during World Cup time? Would people have cared less if they were tiddly winks players or panelists on a radio program?
  • Trump complained that NATO countries aren’t spending enough. IS that because he saw they were willing to spend more to help the Thai cave rescue?
  • We’re now a global village but is news only newsworthy or more newsworthy if your country is involved?
  • Would your interest in this story be any different if there hadn’t been some Aussies involved?
  • Do you think any of the Thai cave drama was orchestrated or distorted for the media or by the media?


The Canadian Woman Who Unwittingly Stole A Car That Was Much Nicer Than Her Rental Car

So apparently a Canadian woman rented a black Nissan, parked at Walmart and left the keys in her car. After shopping she jumped in a (different) black Infiniti ( a luxury car made by Nissan) and drove it for two weeks without noticing the difference. Here’s a picture of the cars below. What do you think?

Spot the Difference! Could YOU tell the difference between these two cars in a car park?
  • Are Canadians crazy leaving their keys in their cars?
  • Do all cars look the same and drive the same anyway? (I don’t think so!)


The Build A Bear Promotional Flop

In the USA and UK Build-A-Bear ran a pay-your-age promotion but they underestimated how many people would do anything to get away from the World Cup Soccer!


You can hear the episode on the 2SER website.

The Vultures’ Nest is live on 2SER 107.3 FM on Saturdays from 10.30 am.