Comedy Set List – 24th November, 2014

Another great night at R&R Comedy at Parramatta in Sydney!

This venue continues to grow in popularity with comics and audience – more new faces this week, both on the stage and in the crowd.

Ruven Govender gave us a smoothly funny performance as Emcee, and delivered some comedic alchemy by turning the dull, heavy lead of an incoherent heckler into some comedy gold.

As I am now getting to better know the audience at this venue, I was a bit more adventurous with my material tonight, trying a greater proportion of new material in my set than I normally would.  Some of the jokes were diamonds in the rough, with the premises getting some good laughter, so I  have some promising stuff to work on.

My comedy set list for tonight:

R&R Comedy, Parramatta

Set List

24th November, 2014

1. I know what you’re thinking

2. My girlfriend expresses displeasure

3. I like to feel important

4. TV Ad for Illiteracy

5. Pizza Delivery

6. First World Problems

7. Parenting Skill in Quakers Hill

8. Racists and Pets

9. You’ve been a great audience

If you attended this comedy show, please leave me some feedback on my set.

